TUSK: An evolutionary JavaScript toolkit for revolutionary interfaces.

Noein has developed a JavaScript toolkit that,

  • allows applications to be deployed in smartphone, iPad, and desktop web browsers;
  • enables the design and specification of complex medical appliances in a web browser;
  • presents multiple data sources using several interactive visualization formats; and
  • allows for the creation of desktop-like interfaces in browsers.

The toolkit treats the browser, whether mobile or desktop, as a virtual platform or node on a network -- not simply as place to execute code to manage an interface. The toolkit makes heavy use of JSON and in-browser data structures and caching to support its feature forward approach.

Our PDF Document white paper explains one type of interface that can be built with this toolkit.

The below diagram shows the logical components within the JavaScript toolkit. The toolkit is built upon existing open source toolkits. It does not re-invent the wheel -- just makes it more featureful.

JavaScript Toolkit Diagram

Process Makes Perfect

Software projects routinely fail due to bad planning and management. We've spent the last eight years refining our process.

Learn what makes it better.

In-Browser Specification

We have developed software to allow complex medical devices to be designed and specified visually in a web browser.

  Download the white paper.

Technical Capabilities

Noein excels at engineering applications that expose data, logic, and services for browsers, mobile devices, and external systems.

Noein is an innovator of rich interfaces in JavaScript that consume web services.

  Read about our capabilities.


no·ein, v. 'nō-en [fr. Gr. nous, mind.] to think; to realize the truth.